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Citrus Bioflavonoids | Health Benefits | What are Bioflavonoids?

Lenovie USA

Posted on February 11 2020

Citrus Bioflavonoids | Health Benefits | What are Bioflavonoids? - lenovieusa

Bioflavonoids in Citrus Fruits

What Are Bioflavonoids?

Flavonoids are a set of polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables that gives them their colors. First discovered in 1936 by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and originally named "Vitamin P,” bioflavonoids have been under research ever since. Scientists have since then identified at least 5000 different flavonoids, and more are expected to be discovered soon.

The most common method of flavonoid consumption for humans is through dietary intake because they are naturally present in the skins and peels of several fruits and vegetables. They are also increasingly being made available through dietary supplements because of their wide-ranging benefits to human health.

Flavonoids and Bioflavonoids

Many people use flavonoids and bioflavonoids alternatively. While it can be said that Bioflavonoids are a kind of subset of flavonoids; research has suggested no major differences in their characteristics and benefits, except in their chemical bonds. Bioflavonoids are simply biologically active members of the group of plant-derived compounds known as flavonoids.

Citrus Bioflavonoids

What are bioflavonoids? By far, the most abundant source of bioflavonoids is citrus fruits. Citrus fruits like oranges, mandarins, and grapefruits are rich in vitamin C and multiple bioflavonoid complexes. Common bioflavonoids present in citrus fruits include hesperidin, quercetin, and rutin, among others. Citrus bioflavonoids are rich in pharmaceutical properties and are said to have various skin and health benefits, which are discussed in much detail below.

Health Benefits Bioflavonoids

Youthful Skin

Bioflavonoids, like quercetin, commonly found in grapefruits and grapes, are said to protect the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. This prevents the breakdown of collagen in the skin, which is the primary cause of premature signs of aging in men and women. Hesperidin, another bioflavonoid, fights hyperpigmentation on the skin and helps maintain an even-toned complexion.

Allergic Reactions and Diseases

Bioflavonoids also have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, which make them prime ingredients to treat mild to severe acne, eczema, and allergic reactions in the skin.

The anti-inflammatory properties also prevent asthma and other allergic diseases by stabilizing free radicals.

Eye Antioxidant

Bioflavonoids are antioxidants and have shown to be excellent for eye health. Along with vitamin C, regular intake of bioflavonoids has been shown to decrease the risks of developing cataracts. 

Assists Vitamin C

Bioflavonoids from citrus fruits are usually complemented with vitamin C supplements. This is because they are believed to work together to strengthen the immune system. An abundance of vitamin C and bioflavonoids helps build the body’s resistance to pathogens. 

Bioflavonoids in Supplements

In recent years, since dietary supplements have become popular, bioflavonoids have been a common ingredient in most of them. Sometimes, bioflavonoids supplements are available as individual flavonoids - like quercetin - and often as a complement to vitamin C supplements, as they aid and enhance the effects of vitamin C.

WhollyPharm by Lenovie is a vitamin C supplement formulated with additional citrus bioflavonoids to ensure maximum health benefits for consumers. Regular intake of vitamin C and bioflavonoids through dietary supplements will result in healthy, glowing skin and a strong immune system. Get yours now and incorporate it in your daily routine.


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